Dear Community Supporter,

We hope that your company will seriously consider becoming a Lake Wales Main Street Benefactor.

Everyone has a stake in the revitalization of downtown Lake Wales. As a Benefactor your company will be recognized as a leader and applauded for the roll it plays in supporting the community.

Largely through the efforts of Main Street, The City of Lake Wales and our sponsors, downtown has begun the revitalization process. With the City of Lake Wales behind us every step of the way and companies like yours supporting our efforts, we are well on our way to the public/private partnership needed to plan for downtown's future.

We would be delighted if you would join our current group of Benefactors. The Benefactors' investment in Lake Wales Main Street provides momentum that ensures long-term positive growth. Your return on investment is found in the marketing opportunities but perhaps the biggest return is a vibrant downtown serving as the economic engine for the entire community.

Main Street's Board of Directors and I would be honored and proud to have your company as a Benefactor. Thank you for considering and contemplating this investment in Downtown Lake Wales, the core of our community.

Sincerely yours,

Lake Wales Main Street Board of Directors